4 Seeds & 4 Spices Porridge

I'm so excited to share this recipe because it changed my life during the "Quitting Sugar Challenge". Just when my will power was badly tested, and I was craving oats and aromatic food, I found out from @getwildfild that you can create the same experience with absolutely no carbs. What a revelation!
I added this Health Bomb recipe to my toolbox and it's so fulfilling. You can vary the spices and prepare it the night before, so in the morning you're ready to go and you can enjoy your breakfast with no waiting time. How about that?
The benefits? The taste, for sure. The aroma in the kitchen, to die for. Satisfaction in your tummy, long-lasting. Keto approved, absolutely.
Try adding ginger powder and turmeric if you want to power up the health benefits. If you want to have a look at the original recipe, including coconut milk, visit the Wildfit Instagram page.
Ingredients (for 2 bowls)
3 tbsp ground flax seeds
2 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp sunflower seeds
1 tbsp sesame seeds
2 tsp organic Ceylon cinnamon powder
1 tsp ground nutmeg
1 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp ground cardamon
500 ml liquid (either water or 200 ml almond milk + 300 ml water)
1. In a bowl, mix the ground flax seeds, chia, sunflower and sesame seeds. Add 300 ml water and let it soak for at least 1-2 hours. Overnight is perfect.
2. Add in the spices and the rest of the liquid (water or almond milk). Stir well and let it rest for 10 minutes.
3. Transfer to a sauce pan and warm up over low-medium heat, stirring regularly. When it reaches your preferred temperature (I would suggest before boiling temperature, it should take 5 minutes) turn the heat off and serve.
4. Optional but delicious, add a tea spoon of almond butter in each serving plate. If you prefer a sweeter taste you can also add a tsp of honey.
TIPS: Have fun with mixing different spices. My favourite combinations would be cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, cardamon and cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamon and ginger. Remember to add the spices in the last phase and not overnight otherwise the taste will turn bitter.