Green Morning Smoothie

Have you every tried a full green breakfast? I had never done it before taking the WildFit challenge. And the experience was life changing for me.
One of the main principles of WildFit is to get the right nutrients in, before thinking of what to remove from your everyday diet. The right nutrients means both quantity and quality. So starting the day with a glass, or 2, of greens, vitamins and healthy fats it's a way to score a lot of health points in a simple move!
There are countless recipes of smoothies out there, why this one?
It became my favourite morning smoothie for a few reasons:
The ingredients together give a fantastic amount and variety of nutrients.
It's easy to digest, it's a breakfast that keeps you light and hydrated.
The combination of mint, ginger and lemon make the smoothie so aromatic and pleasant.
With no added sugar or sweet fruit in it you can have this in unlimited quantity, and whenever you want. Also as an afternoon snack.
It's so easy to do and to blend, you don't need a super powerful blender like in some other recipes (banana smoothie or ice-cream).
You can have it everyday! If you like variety you can change the flavour very easily. Remove ginger, mind and lemon and put your favourite in (cinnamon, or turmeric and ginger powder, or lemon and pepper, why not?).
1 cucumber
2 celery stalks
1 avocado
1 pak choy
Handful of spinach
2 cm fresh ginger
1/2 lemon (juice)
10 mint leaves
400 ml fresh water
Optional: 1 tbsp virgin coconut oil
Optional: 1 cup ice cubes
Do you prefer to add more sweetness?
Check out the TIPS at the end of the recipe.
How to prepare it?
The recipe is very very simple as the objective is to blend everything together. I will just suggest you the order based on my experience.
Water, ginger, cucumber and celery. Blend for 1 minute.
Add the pak choy, spinach, mint leaves. Blend for 1 minute.
Finally add the avocado and lemon juice, coconut oil if you want to make it more nutritious, or if you are following a keto or high fat diet.
Ice cubes just at the end! Best served chilled.
TIPS: I chose these veggies to keep sugar and carbs at the minimum, however you can add 1 or 2 pieces of fruits to make it sweeter or closer to your taste. Honey is another healthy option.
Some options:
Add 1 apple
Add 1 apple and 70-80 gr of pineapple
Add 1 banana and 100 ml almond milk (in this case I would remove the lemon)
Add 1 orange or grapefruit and 1 tbsp honey