Pizza Avocado & Beet

At first my plan was to share a classic Margherita as my first pizza recipe , but I couldn't resist to try a different version that I tasted in Amsterdam. You'll probably think that avocado is now everywhere, and it is kind of true. But at not pineapple pizza!
I'm sorry, that's the only version that you will never see me doing, it's really too much for my Italian blood ;)
However, regardless of the filling that you can customize as you want, I hope you like this gluten-free pizza base. If you find a gluten-free pizza mix that you like feel free to use it. Or try this mix of natural flours on your own, the starches plus the buckwheat create a very good combination, I like the consistency and the flavor. Buon appetito!!
Ingredients (makes 4 medium pizza)
500 gr gluten-free flour (check my mix below)
17 gr fresh yeast
420 ml lukewarm water
10 gr salt
2 tbsp olive oil
NOTE: I usually make my gluten-free flour mix by myself. This is my favorite combination for pizza:
200 gr corn starch
150 gr rice flour
80 gr tapioca starch
50 gr buckwheat flour
10 gr milk powder
5 gr guar gum (powder)
5 gr vegetable fiber (psyllium)
In a little bowl, dissolve the yeast into the lukewarm water. In the meantime combine the flours & starches, milk powder, guar and psyllium in a big bowl.
Pour the majority of water in the center of the bowl with the flours and start kneading. Start from the center and incorporate the rest of the flour into the dough little at a time. Add the rest of the water as needed and knead for a few minutes until it become a little less sticky. At last add the salt and oil and knead for 1-2 minutes more until it's well combined.
Pay attention! Gluten-free baking is different than normal baking. For bread and pizza, make sure that your dough is not too dry, don't compare it to the normal glutinous standards!
Let the dough rise for at least 90 minutes, 2-3 hours if you can.
Divide the dough into 4 parts. Take each part and place it onto a baking paper sheet (previously dusted with a little flour). Create the pizza shape, I usually make it nearly 1 cm thick but you can make it as you prefer. Let it rise for 30 more minutes then add the ingredients.
For this pizza I used 1/2 mozzarella and a drizzle of olive oil as a base. Cooked in pre-heated oven at 180 °C for 25 minutes.
When the pizza is cooked, garnish with the other ingredients: rocket salad, shaved beetroot and avocado slices. Top with sesame, chopped walnuts and olive oil.
TIPS: The beauty of pizza is that you can customize it as you want! Always remember to cook it with a base ingredient: at least tomato sauce (for the red version) or mozzarella and olive oil (for the white version). Cooked pizza can be preserved for a couple of days so if you want to keep it longer I suggest you to freeze the leftovers, or it's even better to freeze the dough.