Gnocchi Pesto and Beet Cream (Vegan, Gluten Free)

Tired of the usual tomato gnocchi? I experimented a new recipe for you.
Bring homemade pesto and a vegan Beetroot cream, and enjoy the magic combination of intense colours and new flavours on your plate.
For this Iām recommending already-made gnocchi, if you want to make it yourself you can follow my previous recipe for Homemade Gluten-free Gnocchi.
Ingredients (for 3 people)
500 gr gnocchi
100 ml pesto (for homemade pesto follow this recipe)
1 beetroot
Salt to taste
Basil to garnish
Making the gnocchi
Wash the beetroot really well before starting. Boil the beetroot with the skin for 30 minutes. Let it cool off for 10-15 min and peel it with fork and knife. Make sure you keep some of the cooking water.
To prepare the beetroot cream, cut the cooked beetroot into small cubes and transfer to a food processor or high glass. Use the cooking water to blend the cream - you will need approx 8 tbsp, or 50-100 ml. Add 50 ml first and add more if needed. Add salt as you please. It should be a cream, not too liquid. Distribute the cream evenly onto the serving plates.
Get the pesto ready.
Bring the water (+ 1 tbsp of salt) to boil in a big pot and add the gnocchi. Gnocchi cook very fast, in 2-3 minutes usually. Use a colander to catch the gnocchi that come to the surface and transfer to a bowl. Turn off the heat once half of the gnocchi have come to the surface, transfer all the cooked gnocchi into the bowl.
Gently mix the gnocchi with pesto and serve them on top of the beetroot cream. Garnish with basil or other herbs as you please.