Pizza Finger Food (Holidays version)

I love finger food for a dinner with friends. It's a very versatile choice for an appetiser or for a stand-up dinner, buffet style. That's why I think it's a great choice for the holidays!
So welcome this recipe that meets taste and eye satisfaction!
I've seen a few Italian recipes shaped as Christmas tree, and usually they're made with puff pastry. So tasty! I adapted it to a sort of pizza dough because it's easier and faster to prepare at home. However feel free to swap this dough with puff pastry if you can easily find it in supermarkets around you.
Ingredients (makes 15-20)
Flour 500 gr
Instant Yeast 10 gr
Water 420 ml (approx.)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 tbsp
Salt 5 gr
Pesto 1/2 jar, about 100 ml
Grated Pecorino or Parmesan cheese (optional)
Bamboo or skewers for baking
Baking Rustici
Combine the dry ingredients (flours & yeast) in a big bowl. Pour the majority of water in the centre of the bowl with the flours and start kneading. Start from the centre and incorporate the rest of the flour into the dough little at a time. Add the rest of the water as needed and knead for a few minutes until it become a little less sticky. At last add the oil and salt, and knead for 1-2 minutes more until it's well combined.
Pay attention! Gluten-free baking is different than normal baking. For bread and pizza, make sure that your dough is not too dry, don't compare it to the normal glutinous standards!
Let the dough rise for 60-90 minutes,
Divide the dough into equal parts of about 35-40 grams. It should be enough to create 15-20 pieces. Roll them into a snake-like shape. Spread Pesto on one side and then wrap the dough around the bamboo stick in order to create the shape of a Christmas tree.
Let the dough rest onto the baking paper for 20-30 minutes. Sprinkle with pecorino or parmesan cheese if you tolerate dairy.
Cooked in pre-heated oven at 180 °C for about 25 minutes.